Tuesday 14 December 2010

FLR (Female Led Relationships)

After struggling with answers as to where and how FLR was to fit into my life, I read this book.....
It answered so many questions that were unanswered.  I think it is by far the best book to introduce your wife/partner to the idea.  I struggled with so many aspects of the life that we had chosen to lead in particular - Who is in charge really, him or me.  After reading the book, it all became clear that I was not to feel any pressure to provide him with anything that I was not comfortable with and the fact that I had merely acknowledged the fact that I agreed to let him serve me was gift enough! 

I guess the main thing that I struggled with is that I felt obliged to reward him for his good service and have come to realise that allowing him to serve me is reward enough and should I choose to allow him any "kink" (which we both enjoy) - this would be a gift, not a reward!  You won't beleive how this book has changed my thinking :)  Happy Reading!

Thursday 9 December 2010

Foot Massages

How to give your loved one a most enjoyable experience - She'll be expecting this from you every day :)

I spent hours searching for what I thought would be the best video to teach you the basic techniques.  Ignore the bits he says at the beginning and just concentrate on the massage its self as you will be washing your loved ones feet and I would doubt you need to clean them with alcohol!!!

Step 1: You will need
  • 1 Pillow or cushion
  • Bowl of warm water and soap
  • 1 Towel
  • Oil - lavander or peppermint would be perfect
  • 1 Stool or if you prefer your knees :)
  • The person who you worship

Step 2: Setting Up

Prior to starting, soak feet in warm water for about 10 mins, wash and dry. This is a very relaxing massage, so you should try to find a quiet area where you will not be disturbed. You can help set the mood for relaxation by putting on some soft music and lighting some scented candles. The ideal location is somewhere your loved one can lie down comfortably, like a massage table, bed or sofa, and their feet can extend slightly over the edge. The pillow is placed under the knees to help support the low back, while you use the towel underneath the feet to catch any excess oil.
Position yourself at their feet (you'll enjoy this bit), with the toes at about chest level.

Step 3: Getting started

Place a small quantity of oil in a cupped hand and warm it by rubbing it between both hands. Spread the oil over the foot up to the ankle by using light even strokes.

Step 4: Warm up
  1. Taking the foot in both hands, begin doing twists by pulling toward ourselves with the heel of one hand while gently pushing away with the other. Start at the top near the toes and work your way down to the heel then back up again.
  2. Repeat 3 Times
  3. Place the outside hand on the topside of the foot for support, and extend the second knuckle of the index finger of the other hand. Now sandwich the foot between the two hands, while rotating the knuckle by turning the wrist. Move the knuckle down and repeat. Carry on over the entire sole of the foot.
Step 5: Thumb work
  1. Place the fingers of both hands on the topside of the foot, and starting at the pads of the toes, begin making downward strokes with the thumbs. After finishing the toes, move down to the ball of the foot, then the arch, and finally the bottom of the heel.
    Now return to the arch and make circles with the thumbs with moderate pressure.
  2. Once more with the outside hand supporting the topside of the foot, you now take the thumb of the other hand and begin doing pressure points down the instep, starting at knuckle of the big toe. Release the pressure, move down slightly and repeat. Carry on until you reach the back of the heel.
  3. Now the outside hand moves to support the foot from underneath the ankle. With your other hand you will grasp the Achilles' tendon between thumb and index finger and stroke towards the heel. Repeat this 5 times.
Step 6: Top and sides
  1. Both hands now open and support the foot from below with the fingers extended you begin to make circles around the ankles, again using a moderate pressure.
  2. Without breaking the rhythm of you circling, the fingers start to move around the sides of the foot and continue up to the toes.
  3. At this point, the circling becomes a back and forth movement as you massage the top of the foot, focusing between the tendons.
  4. Carry on for about a minute.
Step 7: Toe Massage
  1. Finishing at the base of the toes, you will now begin to slowly tug, twist and pull on each toe, alternating hands as you move inwards from the outer toes.
Step 8: Finishing strokes
  1. End by repeating the foot twists, but this time you slowly begin to lighten pressure with each twist until the hands lightly lift off the foot.
Step 9: Repeat on the other foot
  1. Once again place some oil in your cupped hand and repeat the steps on the other foot.

I hope you found this useful?  Please email me/comment with requests, ideas feedback etc xxx